Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99

Posted by Ratnesh Tiwari | Posted in | Posted on July 24, 2020

Babushka lady aka babushka lady brooklyn 99 full article

Here read about Babushka lady The identity of the babushka lady is a questionthat has puzzled historians and conspiracy the orists for decades. Known as brooklyn 99.

Babushka lady who she is 

The babushka lady was present in almost all of the photos and videos of the moment when the assassination took place. She wore a headscarf and sunglasses who was present during the assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963. Following the chaos, police and secret servicelooked tirelessly for witnesses who may have seen who shot the president.
Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99
Brooklyn 99Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99
Photographs from the day seem to suggest that the babushka woman may have photographed or filmed the assassination. So who was the babushka lady? That’s exactly what we’re going to talk about right now on life’s questions. Hello and welcome back to life’s biggest question’s Biodata dairy, the channel that asks the fundamental questions of life. I’m your host. If you love history questions, read this article some love by leaving a like. And don’t forget to subscribe to life’sbiggest questions biodata. 

John F Kennedy was assassinated on November22nd 1963, in dallas texas, while he was riding in a motorcade shortly after noon. Crowds had gathered to wave to the kennedy’sas they drove by. As the car turned off of main street at dealyplaza, gunshots were fired. John F Kennedy was struck in the head and neck. By 1pm, he was pronounced dead. Following, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald for the assassination. But when Oswald was being transferred to thecounty jail, a man at point blank range shot him. He died two hours later at parkland hospital,and took his secrets to the grave with him. 

This mysterious event has gone down in thehistory books as one of the most important unsolved mysteries. Why would someone want president kennedy dead? Did lee Harvey Oswald really do it? Did he act alone? Perhaps one of the people who would have theanswers to these questions were the people present during the assassination, includinga woman wearing a headscarf, like an elderly Russian lady, hence her nickname. She stood there with a wide stance, handsup by her face as gunshots were fired and the chaos unfolded, seeming to suggest thatshe was holding a camera. Her behaviour is remarkably strange. While others are running for cover from thegunshots, she remains standing, unphased. After she posted finished shooting, she crossed elmstreet and joined the rest of the crowd. The babushka lady has appeared in other civilianphotographs and films from the day, but none that show her face well enough for her tobe identified. 
Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99
Babushka lady 
Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99

The police made repeated requests to the publicfor all witnesses to come forward as well as anyone who may have caught the events ofthat day on camera. Several women came forward claiming that theywere the babushka lady, but police dismissed them due to lack of evidence. 

But there was one woman in particular thatcaught the interest of the police. In the year 1970, 7 years after the assassination,a woman named Beverly Oliver told a conspiracy researcher named Gary shaw that she was thebabushka lady. She said she filmed the entire assassinationon a Yashica super 8 camera, but two FBI agents took the footage from her. She told Gary Shaw that she never saw theseFBI agents credentials but they told her that they would return the camera to her within 10 days. Beverly oliver admitted that she never triedto get the footage back, because at the time she was in possession of marijuana. These claims ended up being a bit suspiciou show ever, because the model of the camera she claimed to have been holding, a yashica super 8, was not even on the market until 1969. She also didn’t look anything like the babushkalady. Oliver was 17 in 1963, and slender. the babushka woman was short and older.
Its been at least 50 years since JFK was assassinated,and still, no one knows who she was. There were many theories about who she mighthave been. Some said she was a Russian spy, others saidshe worked for the US government. Some evens aid that she could have been the murderer, and the camera she was using was actually the gun. The babushka lady could have also been a man indisguise, dressed in womans clothing to conceal his identity.

 Her strange, wide, masculine stance was evidenceenough for some that she was actually a male. She has never come forward to tell authorities what she saw, or to show the world what she caught on tape. Perhaps the reason for this could be fear. She could have been afraid to reveal whatshe knows. Another explanation is that she wasn’t holdinga camera at all, but a pair of binoculars, meaning she had nothing to show authorites. Still, she would have been standing at a goodvantage point, and what she witness would have been useful to authorities. 

She was one of the few people that directly observed the assassination of president kennedy, from an angle that would have been able to confirm that lee Harvey Oswald did in fact shoot president kennedy. For these reasons, perhaps she was taken careof because she either had had incriminating evidence, or she was a key witness. The FBI interviewed 25 thousand people, followed tens of thousands of leads and came to the conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Perhaps Beverly Oliver really was the babushka lady, and her story was simply inconsistent because she didn’t remember. And maybe she lied about it. Whoever she was, its likely we will neverknow the full story. 
Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99
Babushka lady | babushka lady brooklyn 99

Conclusion about Babushka lady

As the babushka lady was an older woman in1963, she has likely passed away by now. For now, I’m owner of this blog and you reading Biodata dairy about Babushka lady brooklyn 99.

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